Culture page

The term ‘Culture’ has many meanings to many people. For, we think culture includes our zest for exploration and discovery. Culture is a way of life that is passed along and perpetuated by communication, symbols, skills, knowledge, heritage, attitudes and values. is knowledge shared freely and, like any culture, is alive with growth through participation and discovery.

This page is an expression of our passion for history and exploration as well as our bond as a community. Here we become travelers and explorers to further experience the Wire-Strung Harp Culture.

Cultural reflections of the importance of the wire–strung harp
A brief history of the Clàrsach as the Guinness Trademark
The Harp as the symbol of Ireland in the Royal Arms
The Parting of Friends relates how Charlotte Milligan Fox came to discover the Bunting papers, plus an analysis of his original manuscript page of this air; with three downloadable music pdf files
The Healing Harp An Eighteenth Century Precedent
Language, Lands and Travel
History of the word Clarsach
Re-visiting the enigmatic 'Ports' Place name or musical term?
Tigh nan Teud House of the Harp String
Home Is Where The Harp Is The evidence for harper’s lands
Mapping the Clarsach in Scotland The Clarsach in Scotland over time and geography.
The Clarsach's position among the Historical Instruments of Scotland The Clarsach in context of Scotland's other instruments.
Myths and legends surrounding the instrument and its history
Dictates Against Harpers: Hang all the Harpers the growth of a ‘mythical legend’
The Harper of Mull as published in Edinburgh, Scotland by Alex Whitelaw (1855)